Hi. My name is John, and I am one of the many men in the world who likes to wear women's lingerie. I've always worn women's lingerie, well, when I say always I mean since I was twelve and I finally got up the courage to snatch a pair of my sister's panties. I'd been jealous of them for years though, I'd see them hanging up on the line, so much prettier than my little man y fronts. I think I even asked my mom for the pretty panties when we were shopping in a department store once. I might have been 6 or 7 when I did that, but her reaction of shock and disgust was enough to teach me never to ask for anything like that again.

She must have been terrified that I would turn out to be gay, because she went out and brought me a new fire truck toy that same day, as well as a cap gun and a cowboy hat. I guess she preferred the idea of me growing up and shooting people to growing up effeminate.

I took the first step towards doing what I wanted with my life when I first sneakily put on my sister's panties and felt them grip me snugly almost just as I had imagined. Did I grow up effeminate or gay? I don't think so. I played college football, graduated and went on to work in the construction industry. My days are now split between the office and the construction site, and I wear panties each and every day. I am also a happily married man, with a wife who understands that I have certain needs.

Hopefully writing this blog will encourage other men to explore their desires without the fear that accompanies wearing panties.